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A pictorial language that flows into a poignant realism, supported by the intensity of chromatism and pictorial language.
Intense are the inner suggestions of the artist Scarpetti whose pictorial gesture is moved by the intention of wanting to represent an impetuous reality, as if it were a social denunciation. In the work (IN) HUMANITY emerges the search for the sublime that extends to the negative, the turbid and the deformed, recalling the artistic gesture of F. Bacon.
We observe the reference to the figure that reveals itself in a deformed way, Scarpetti gives her figures a sense of unfinished in order to bring out the most intimate and authentic suggestions in the observer.

                                        Dr. Elisabetta La Rosa


Critical text by the journalist and art critic Elena Gollini.

Artbreath article

The obsessive realism of Anna Scarpetti:


Anna Scarpetti takes you on a journey into the depths of the ego, analyzing the needs of a society devoid of appearance, victim of stereotypes and of itself.

Synonymous with a realistic impulse that wants to embody the loss of one's ideals in favor of a society that leads on the path of a deceptive golden aspect.

Obsessive realism on canvas becomes a voice for contemporary history, narrating the loss of the self to "stay in line with what is in fashion", just as can be seen in the symbols depicted in the lower part of the work that allude to this . Above the symbol of the heart, as if it had been lost, located in a space far from the rest of the composition. The artist seems to have placed it high, giving that otherworldly elevation to pure feelings, noble lost human feelings.

A strong, incisive language that becomes intense through the color rendering.

The artist Anna Scarpetti tells the truth of humanity's experience by embodying it through pictorial textures, thickening the oil, acrylic and spray that support the chromatic texture becoming the narrator of her soul.


Dr. Elisabetta La Rosa Historian and art critic

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